About the Book
about Book
Rocky Roads
This book is a retro journey into a phantasy world inspired by the Film Noir movies and .private eye radio shows of the 1940’s. Rocky Roads was developed when I was a teen-ager in the 1950’s. The drawings were filed away and forgotten until they were found two years ago. Thinking it might be fun, I developed the character as a more adult graphic novel. This piece is based in part on a Film Noir classic Gas Light.
Comics and Graphic Novels are normally colored. Why is Rocky Roads only in black and white? The answer is that Rocky Roads is inspired by the Film Noir of the 1940’s and 50’s, and the “dark” style of the Private Detective Radio Shows. The use of color loses the “Dark” aspect of the series. While Rocky Roads stories are satirical, for the satire to work, they must resemble at least in tone, what they satirize.

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Interface: Catholic/Orthodox Convergence
about Book
That Which Is Good And Beautiful: Beauty and Hope in a Difficult World
The Reverend Doctor Bundy finds beauty in places one might not expect: the natural world of science, heroic men and women, and the work of secular artists and authors, as well as religious art, and worship both ancient and modern. The tour ends with a discussion of beauty as a signifier of God’s Ultimate Truth.